Can Cats And Dogs Actually See Spirits? Science Now Finds They See beyond What the Human Eye Cannot

By Andrew Alpin, 18 May 2018

11Filtering UV light results in clearer vision

The reason why Humans blocked out UV light was to see better. When scientists studied the retinas of certain animals that blocked out UV light, they found such animals having high- resolution vision The human eye can see high detail due to a high density of color sensitive cells or cones existing in the retina. Nocturnal animals, on the other hand, allow as much light in as possible and this includes UV light that doesn’t serve them much purpose. 

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12Do humans have such dormant abilities?

The fact that our furry friends know something or see something we don’t is beyond any of our five senses. There are possibilities that the human eye also has such abilities but it has been turned off or blocked out all because we tend to focus on the ground realities that are unfolding before us every day. Science hasn’t been able to back up such claims of people seeing such things although there are people who exist who can see a huge number of colors like a woman who can see 100 million different colors. 

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13Humans have suppressed their abilities

Humans can well tap into their own gifted abilities that lie suppressed within us because of the dull routines of our daily lives and rigid thought process. Perhaps if we hone our dormant faculties and skills and trigger them with practice and healthy living, we may well see that there is more to the world than we can imagine. 

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14This is why animals can see spirits

Because UV light is also considered the spectrum in which spirits also wander, then perhaps when your cat is purring and acting up or your dog stares at open space and starts growling, don’t write them off. People with high intuition will somehow recognize such presence through hindsight and the fact that animals do see spirits should not be dismissed until further study says they can’t. 

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