Bruce Lee Vs Wong Jack Man - Here Is All You Need To Know About The Biggest Fight Of Chinese Martial Art

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 27 May 2018

6Total audience of the fight

Some say that the total number of people who attended the fight was somewhere 7 to 15; however, the attendance of only three persons has been confirmed till date. These three attendants are Bruce Lee’s wife, Linda Lee Cadwell, Lee’s associate James Lee and a local Tai Chi trainer, William Chen. 

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7Different accounts of same fight

As the fight took place in a closed room and it wasn’t recorded, we don’t have any other option, other than believing the people who watched the fight. But it becomes more difficult for us to know what happened in the fight when the people who have watched the fight gave different accounts of the same fight.

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8Linda’s version of the fight

As per Linda, the fight finished in three minutes. They both started by bowing down formally and then the fight began. Lee was aggressive from the beginning and within a minute, Wong’s men were trying to stop the fight as it was getting difficult for Wong to handle the punches of Lee. However, the fight didn’t stop as James Lee warned all of them not to stop the fight. Soon, Lee overpowered Wong and brought him down at the floor and Wong accepted his defeat. 

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9Wong Jack Man’s version of the fight

Wong didn’t agree to Linda’s version of fight as he says that the fight went on for 20 minutes. He agreed that Bruce Lee was very aggressive as if he would have accepted defeat only if his life would have been taken. In fact, when Wong extended his hand towards Bruce Lee for handshake, Lee jumped forward and quick spear hand to Wong’s eyes. Wong said that he fought with a lot of restraint because he didn’t want anybody’s life to be in danger. As per Wong, the duration of the fight was minimum 20 minutes and it came to an end as Lee became winded and not because of a fight-ending blow from either of them. 

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10William Chen’s version of the fight

William Chen’s version of Wong Jack Man Vs. Bruce Lee fight is somewhat similar to Wong’s version and opposite to Linda’s version. He also agreed that the fight went on for 20-25 minutes and it was a tie. William also agreed to the fact that Wong had a restrained approach while Bruce was very aggressive. 

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