12 Brilliant Period Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever

By GARGI CHAKRAVORTY, 3 February 2018

Periods are those few dreaded days which every adult young lady has to bear with a smile on her face every month and be a trooper. It does not matter whether you are an athlete, business woman, academician or a family maker, the literal pain as well as the inconvenience of finding the perfect hygiene product can really be irritating to say the least.  But we here are to make your periods pass on like a breeze, just follow these period hacks and you’ll sail through the worst of it.

1Cup it!

Yes, you heard it right; pads and tampons are really passé now. The latest innovation to adopt is the menstrual cups which is the new age female hygiene product. It is meant to keep you unsoiled and unspoilt for the day. Made out of medical grade silicone, these latest re-usable contraptions are eco friendly and practical. It is also 99% leak proof. Tampons can cause dryness by absorbing 65% menstrual fluid and 35% moisture. The cup will not interfere with the natural vaginal environment.

Image Source: www.pinsdaddy.com

2Period panties

Period Panties are complete leak proof underwear for those special days and can absorb heavy duty flow. The best part is this underwear is washable. You can actually wear these all day without feeling wet or any leak. If you don’t like a menstrual cup, then use the period panty which is a good alternative.

Image Source: reusablemenstrualcup.com

3Hot bag or hot sock

The worst parts of periods are not the periods themselves but the annoying cramps which comes as a free gift with it. If at home and under the attack of serious cramps use hot water bags and in the worst case scenarios use a sock full of rice or any grains. Heat it on the microwave and heat your way to your relief.

Image Source: www.musiclessons.com

4Avoid salty snacks

Unfortunately, chips or snacks with high salt content will only increase pain and the internal swelling which are highly inconvenient. Just for those 5 days, stay away from salty snacking. In the days before your period, your body starts storing sodium and fluids. Adding sodium form snacks to that when you are already bloated will make it worse. Eat low sodium snacks instead.

Image Source: www.hayzedmagazine.com

5Period apps

Did you really think in this crazy techno era they have not figured this one out yet? Yes, there are many period apps to keep your period days in track which can help you calculate (or rather let your smartphones do it for you) and keep you alert for it.

Image Source: www.makeuseof.com

6Zero caffeine

Again, a red flag for those red….days, yes pun intended! Caffeine content makes the cramps much more severe and also does not allow your stomach muscles to relax which are anyways twisted out due to the periods, so stay de-cafe during your periods.

Image Source: invorma.com

7Potassium-rich foods

Many women complain about cramps, fatigue, nausea even constipation during our periods. What really helps here is eating potassium-rich foods as we tend to lose a lot of blood. Some of the easiest sources of potassium-rich items are bananas, beans, green leafy vegetables and fish! Potassium-rich foods prevent water retention so that you won’t feel bloated.

Image Source: www.radiantpeach.com

8Fancy Period kit

Having a ready period kit for you is a great confident booster so that you do not need to worry about getting your needful supplies as and when you get your period. It’s like a small vanity bag with all the items such as sanitary pads, tampons, cotton swabs, painkillers or even spare underwear and disposable bags to stow away all the used items destined for the trashcan. Don’t forget to keep a body spray in the bag too!

Image Source: www.unitedstatesofmotherhood.com


It may sound contradictory with all the muscle cramps and pain, but it actually works! Exercise like mild stretching or yoga makes your muscles flexible and does not allow it to retract easily which usually creates the cramps in the first place. So do some light yoga which would increase immunity and stamina. Yoga also regulates the blood flow without much pain.

Image Source: www.stylecraze.com


Well …when nothing else works, painkillers do come as the real hero of the day. Especially if you are unfortunate enough to be having your period while travelling or a meeting or even during an academic exam. There is simply no other way out. Consult a gynaecologist to approve painkillers so that you can take them when you need them the most. Do not medicate yourself but always consult a doctor.

Image Source: brightside.me

11Surprise surprise!!

For those ladies who don’t want to miss out on physical intimacy during their periods, you can get cozy with your partner during your period which can be relaxing. It helps the uterus to release extra amount of blood from the system…Brilliant!

Research has shown how physical stimulation down there along with penetration can produce pain relief because of pressure. It also increases a woman’s threshold by 75%. Moreover, physical intimacy (and we mean the romantic kind) helps the brain release neurotransmitters of the feel-good type like dopamine, acetylcholine, noradrenaline and serotonin that induce a feel-good high during such acts. Acetylcholine and nitric oxide help genital lubrication and increase genital blood flow.

Image Source: thehealthsite.com

12Sharpie highlighters

This is a clever period hack. Sharpie highlighters are meant for those shy girls out there who still are not ready enough to expose their tampons in schools or workplace; these are the best tools to hide away the tampons behind their flashy colourful exteriors!

Image Source: www.cetusnews.com

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