Brew this banana tea before bedtime and you’ll be surprised what happens

By Andrew Alpin, 3 March 2017

The more you fight your insomnia, the more you are wide awake. What’s worse about medication is that as your body develops immunity towards sleeping pills you keep requiring more and more of it and that’s dangerous. But, there’s this amazing new remedy of banana tea for sleep and it actually works.

Insomnia is due to several factors both of lifestyle and disease. Depression and anxiety could well be the most common of conditions contributing to insomnia. Even medication such as painkillers, anthistamines, and heart or blood pressure medication that deprive one of sleep.

1 Negative effects of sleeping pills

The biggest disadvantage of insomnia is dependence on sleeping pills. More than half the US suffers from sleep deprivation and sleeping pills lose their efficacy from prolonged use. Moreover an unhealthy or stressful lifestyle contributes heavily to stress related insomnia.

Sleeping pills are usually hypnotic and sedative type drugs such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium. Prolonged use leads to several side effects like panic attacks and a feeling of poor well-being. Various side effects from prolonged use are:

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2 The effects of sleep deprivation

Getting less than 6 to 8 hours of sleep per days isn’t just dangerous for the physiological aspects of your body; it also negatively impacts your mental and emotional well being. Impaired cognitive function is one of the most common side effects of sleep deprivation. This leads to lack of concentration in work, poor focus and a general feeling of grumpiness. In other words you are always in a bad mood.

Sleep deprivation ultimately leads to serious medical conditions like diabetes, obesity or even cancer.

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3 The fantastic effects of banana tea

The amazing banana tea formulated by the famous Doctor Oz actually guarantees to work against insomnia. Here’s how to prepare it.


Cut both ends of the banana and then boil it for 10 minutes in the pot with the peel intact. Strain the liquid and drink the tea before bed. You could even consume the banana with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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4 Why does the banana tea work for insomnia?

Banana are a rich source of magnesium and potassium which relax muscles. However what most articles attributed to banana tea won’t tell you which is the biggest proof of the benefits of banana tea is melatonin.

Melatonin is the main ingredient produced by the body which helps induce sleep. Melatonin prepares the body to sleep triggered by the onset of darkness. As night approaches, melatonin levels increase in the body which then help you sleep. Those with low levels of melatonin will always find it difficult to sleep in bright light. That is why darkness is beneficial for sleep. The combination of melatonin, magnesium and potassium make a healthy sleep tonic. So brew a pot of banana tea for sleep and sweet dreams.

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