When you keep looking at the time or glancing at the clock too often, it is a very rude gesture. Regardless of whether you are communicating with your boss or with friends, this gesture shows you aren’t happy with their presence and want to be rid of them. When speaking with others, keep your watch or time aside. If you really have to go, politely tell them you will continue the conversation later.
Image Source: xaluan.com
This is a very rude and stupid thing to do at work especially when a briefing is going on. Staring out the window at a meeting shows you just aren’t interested and wants the whole thing over. Always keep yourself involved in a meeting even if you are being threatened by it. Be engaged physically and mentally. Never daydream and immerse yourself with the goings on and the action.
Image Source: www.unimetre.com
While at work and if you are in a meeting, or discussion with colleagues, it would be very rude to keep on messaging which shows your level of interest. Unless the message is very very important, it would be best to keep your Smartphone away from the work table.
Image Source: www.nancystern.com