12 Body Language Mistakes You Should Never Make At Work

By Andrew Alpin, 22 May 2018

7Separating from your surroundings

When working in a new office, one tends to be a bit shy of new surroundings. Separating yourself constantly from colleagues and not taking part in amiable or productive team activity or even eating alone, shows that you don’t care about establishing friendly relationships with anyone. This also proves to others that you are isolated and an introvert. Even if you find it difficult, try to get out of your comfort zone and make friends with your colleagues. 

Image Source: cdn.tuoitre.vn

8Leaning on surrounding objects

A research at Stanford University found that when you stand tall, it makes you appear powerful indirect and directly. Body postures at work convey messages to people and influences how you will be treated by others. Leaning on other objects can display a sign of weakness. Standing straight with a good posture makes people feel that yes, you are dedicated to your work. 

Image Source: baomoi.com

9Placing your hands behind your back

Spencer Kelly a neuroscience professor observed in a study that hand gestures serve as important communication and body language is just as important as words. Keeping your hands behind your back signifies an untrustworthy person especially at work. There is no need for wild physical articulation or overactivity however always keep hands and palms open. 

Image Source: tuoitre.vn

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