12 Body Language Mistakes You Should Never Make At Work

By Andrew Alpin, 22 May 2018

4Expressing boredom

When you are a bit under the weather, you may get bored but the occasional boredom is ok. However, irrespective of how you feel, it would be to your advantage to hide your emotions at work. The reason being that your boss may feel you should be replaced with a more productive and active person. 

Image Source: www.unimetre.com

Stop doodling and concentrate on work instead

You should stop doodling or fidgeting. Instead, change the atmosphere by offering help to colleagues which can be a distraction for you sour mood. This also shows your boss your passion for the work. 

Image Source: scoopwhoop.com

5Trying to invade another person’s personal space

Regardless of your rapport with colleagues and your boss, you should always allow them their personal space and never try to invade it. This isn’t a very good idea because a person may subconsciously feel intimidated or threatened by you. It can make anyone feel uncomfortable and distracted from their own work. Always maintain a healthy distance from people which is considered good etiquette.

Image Source: bedunim.ir

6You enter the office too quietly

It’s a bad sign to sneak into an office without so much as wishing people “good morning” or saying “hi”. Your colleagues and your boss may regard it as a sign of arrogance because you may feel they aren’t worthy to wish, or it may be construed as assign of rudeness. 

Image Source: brightside.me

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