Experts Caution Parents Against Sharenting, Say It May Lead To Issue Like Identity Theft

By Ashish Ranjan, 19 February 2018

7Name of the children was mentioned in 45 percent of the Facebook posts

It is also said that parents sometimes overdo the acts of sharing pictures and information on social media. They actually don’t realize what they are doing and in the process tend to overdo it. The study also indicates that name of the children was mentioned in 45 percent of the Facebook posts with pictures.

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8There are also parents who like to keep the children’s posts limited

The study also said that more than six percent of the posts mentioned the kids’ birthdays. But, there are also parents who like to keep the children’s posts limited and they are also of the view that posts should not be shared on the social media platforms.

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9“I see parents sharing everything from potty-training pictures,” Stephens said

“I see parents sharing everything from potty-training pictures,” Stephens said. “We don’t really share naked baby photos, but some parents will do that.” The trend of “sharenting” has grown leaps and bounds with the arrival of millennials. Problem with millennials is that they grew up with the internet and they are sharing more pictures of their children on the Facebook.

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