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Apple Now Sued For 1 Trillion Dollars; Company Admits Misunderstanding And Issues Formal Apology.

By Andrew Alpin, 31 December 2017

3The largest lawsuit is $999 billion or 1 trillion dollars

The largest lawsuit amounts to $ 999 billion or you could say 1 trillion. It was filed by Violetta Mailyan who filed the first class action lawsuit against the company. A second class action lawsuit was filed by Raisa Drantivy in New York. Raisa is demanding only $ 100 million. Well! That’s a concession and much smaller than 1 billion.

Each of the lawsuits represent the millions who have been affected by the slowing down of iPhones even as Apple has released its latest versions being the iPhone 8 and iPhone X which was released last September. The suits also seek to bar the company from meddling with the computing speeds of devices. If this is proved in court, it would validate the fraud claims.

The largest lawsuit is $999 billion or 1 trillion dollars

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4Clauses of the lawsuit

Violetta Mailyan’s 1 trillion dollar lawsuit against Apple was filed on 23rd December in the US district court of California-Western division –Los Angeles. Raisa Drantivy’s lawsuit was filed in the eastern District court of New York. The six clauses of the lawsuit are as follows.

Under the 'Substantive Allegations' segment it states: that the defendant which is Apple, alleges that its battery can retain up to 80 percent of its capacity for 500 recharging cycles. Apple has said that it slows down phone processors when wearing out. This was done without a user’s permission

In Israel, Apple was sued for a class action lawsuit amounting to $ 125 million for intentionally slowing down iPhones. This makes 9 class action lawsuits against the tech company.

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