This $213 Spectacular Train Ride Shows You All of America’s Most Beautiful Sights

By Andrew Alpin, 3 February 2018

13Books Cliffs, Utah

Passing through the West, Low photographed the southern rim of the Book Cliffs and walls of the Ruby Canyon.

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14Utah and Colorado

Low says that the journey between Utah and Colorado is easily the most spectacular train journey in the entire United States.

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15 Colorado River

The majority of its journey, the train travelled along the great Colorado River that also runs through the Grand Canyon.

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16Mooning the train

Rafters along the river have an age-old tradition of mooning the train as it whizzes by. This is the reason the stretch of river has been nicknamed “Moonriver”.

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17Chicago skyline

Derek Low spent a few hours sightseeing in Chicago where you can get a fantastic view of the skyline from John Hancock tower or also called 360 Chicago.

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In Derek’s own words “As soon as you see the Hudson River, you feel a sense of exhilaration that airline passengers will never know. We’ve almost crossed America by train!” Perhaps you too will enjoy the $213 train ride as much as he did.

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