With the growing statistics of breast cancer worldwide, one wonders why scientists have not yet thought of making support systems and accessories to help an early detection and prevention of the same. It took a young boy of 18 to invent a bra that has the potential of saving millions of lives. After almost losing his mother to breast cancer, this Mexican teen created a breast cancer detection bra that earned him the top prize at the Global student entrepreneur awards of 2017.
Julian Rosi Cantu was only 13 when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer twice. After battling the disease for several years ending in a double mastectomy and losing both her breasts to cancer, Julian was never the same. He decided to do something about it.
Julian’s inspiration was his mother’s battle with breast cancer. He felt the world definitely needed an easier way for women to detect the disease which would enable treatment as early as possible. Even though women are encouraged by organizations and cancer support to examine their breasts regularly, it isn’t an easy task. Julian then went on to invent the auto exploration bra which can save millions of women who fall prey to breast cancer every year.
The auto sensor bra is fitted with 200 sensors that can easily detect the early signs of breast cancer.
Image Source: www.cdn.rt.com
The cancer bra is meant to be worn once every week for just one hour. In that one hour, the sensors in the bra will map the wearer’s breast to collect information such as texture, color, and temperature and blood flow. The data is then transferred to a computer via bluetooth. A user can then read the data to see if there have been any unhealthy changes in her breasts.
The amazing idea of the bra to detect breast cancer was an incredible invention. Encouraged by the idea, Julian started his own company Higia Technologies with a mission to improve the lives of women and arming them with the means to prevent breast cancer.
Image Source: www.foxnews.com
Since his remarkable invention of the bra to detect breast cancer, Julian’s company was awarded the Global Student Entrepreneurship awards. It is heartwarming to think that this young boy’s mother who suffered the loss of both her breasts to the deadly cancer was the inspiration behind saving the lives of others.
Related Article: Extensive Study Finds The Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer By 40%
Image Source: www.boredpanda.com