9 Reasons Why It Is Healthy To Consume Two Eggs a Day

By Andrew Alpin, 21 June 2017

8 Eggs improve cognitive function and a healthy metabolism

Choline in eggs improves the body’s metabolic process including those that involve fats. Choline is transformed into the neurotransmitter acetylcholines which transmit stimuli in the brain and nervous system. Lack of choline can have a damaging effect on your memory. Lack of choline in pregnancy can result in premature births or low birth weights. Just eating two eggs a day is one of the best ways to ensure an adequate amount of choline in the diet.

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9 Eggs increase calcium and maintain healthy bones

Vitamin D and calcium are important for healthy bones and teeth. Studies at the National Center for Biotechnology Information in Bethesda, Maryland confirmed through research how calcium and proteins work together to maintain calcium levels in the body. This ensured a healthy metabolism for healthy bones. Eggs being rich in vitamin D, help the body to absorb calcium efficiently.

These are by far the best reasons to eat two eggs daily but you need to consume the free range farm variety for maximum benefits. Eggs from caged hens can contain drug residues. According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans issued by the Federal government, eating an egg a day will not increase blood cholesterol levels. Healthy people can eat two or even three eggs a day without any adverse effects on the body. However, this does not include diabetics and those suffering from heart problems who should limit egg intake to three eggs a week.

Image Source: www.top10homeremedies.com

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