8 Signs that you are not drinking enough water

By Jatin Sharma, 3 March 2017


You will know when your headaches occur due to dehydration when they lack the common characteristics associated with a normal headache. But you can identify this type of headache if it gets aggravated with movement.

When you move up and down stairs, bend down to pick up something or move to fast, the pain worsens. This kind of headache is sign that your body is dehydrated and it requires water. This may have happened when you have sweated a lot, but have ignored to drink any fluids.

Immediately drink some fluids slowly and take it a bit easy.

Image Source: www.healingthebody.ca

4Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is mostly caused by decrease of saliva build up in the mouth. Constant presence of dry mouth can cause permanent throat and mouth disorders.

Dry mouth can be caused due to less presence of water in the body or by intake of medicines that may cause less production of saliva in the mouth. If you constantly suffer from dry mouth, keep a bottle of water with you can keep drinking water at regular periods of time.

Image Source: www.zubzone.ru

5Color of the urine

One major sign of dehydration is change in the color of your urine. If you are well hydrated, the color of your urine will be clear, but if you are suffering from dehydration, you will notice significant change in the color of the urine.

And if the color of urine keeps getting darker, it means your body requires immediate supply of water. As you can see in the image below, there are different colors of urine and the brown color means that you are dehydrated. But beware of drinking too much water too fast, as it may make you sick. Drink water slowly so that body gradually replenishes water in the required organs.

Image Source: www.workoutwithdi.com

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