6 Super Easy Yoga Poses That’ll Cure Your Hangover Instantly

By Jheelam Banerjee, 4 May 2017

3 Cat Cow Pose

This will be heaven for your back when you are having a bit of a hard time with hangover. Start with deep breaths in this simple and easy to do cat cow pose. Yoga poses of this sort are excellent for the cardiovascular system. Each movement will feel like you are flushing out the hangover as your abdominal and back muscles start to stretch out.

Moving of this type activates your cardiovascular system which effectively flushes out the drinks from your system. It is best for those times when you don’t want to move at all.

Image Source: www.popsugar-assets.com

4 Parivrtta Malasana – Revolved Garland Pose

Sit this way – because you know you should. Do it gently because you may not be feeling like moving. But after doing all the three Yoga poses at first, you should be feeling charged enough to do this one.

The benefit of this pose is that squatting in this position will help clear your bowels totally and it may compress the liver gently to give it an extra nudge towards the cleansing process.

Image Source: www.intheloop.com.sg

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