5 Simple Yoga Poses To Improve Posture And Get Relief From Neck And Back Pain

By Andrew Alpin, 5 March 2017

If you’re prone to constant neck and back pain, the most common reason could be a poor posture. One of the main reasons for bad posture is sitting at a desk to long which is what many of us are compelled to do during working hours. Performing Yoga to improve posture is a simple and effective way to regain health and have an erect posture free from all pain.

Improving your posture from yoga also contributes to flexibility because it requires you to stretch your spine and back gently while opening up your shoulders and chest. Yoga strengthens your core areas and keeps you fit.

1 Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is the exact way we should stand and if you can do this pose without difficulty it means your posture is quite good. In this pose you should be standing with feet at hip distance apart with toes outward. Shoulders should be relaxed and wide. Now raise arms over head and shoulder width apart, shoulders should be lowered and relaxed. Hold for 1 minute.

Imae Source: www.sarvyoga.com

2 Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Shift your balance to the right foot and stand straight. Place your left foot on your inner thigh. Now balance yourself and raise hands in Namaste pose. Now in Tadasana position fix your eyes on a point in front to get balanced hold for a minute and repeat on the other foot.

Image Source: www.ytimg.com

3 Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

If you’re using yoga to improve posture, then this is one of the best. It stretches your spine and opens up your shoulders. In the tabletop position straightens legs; tuck in toes and lift hips towards the ceiling. Spread fingers and adjust your hands accordingly. Stretch your spine which should be in line with the head and neck. Hold for a minute.

Image Source: www.netdna-cdn.com

4 Plank Pose

As you may have heard, the plank in regular exercise is an amazing exercise to strengthen core and also lose stomach fat. The plank pose is also great for improving your posture. In the table top pose stretch out legs behind you. Your entire body should be horizontal without slouching or arching. Wrists should beneath shoulders. Hold for 1 minute.

Image Source: www.kristinmcgee.com

5 Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Finally among yoga poses to improve posture, the cobra pose will also work wonders for a great posture. Lie on your stomach and using your back muscles lift your upper head and torso. Alig your elbows beneath shoulders for support. Expand your chest and relax shoulders. Look straight ahead and hold for 1 minute.

You need to practice these exercise daily for best results. As your muscles strengthen and stretch your flexibility increases, the tension and stress in your muscles are also decreased and this is what frees you from pain. Soon your posture too will improve.

Image Source: www.sarvyoga.com

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