5 Appliances That Still Burn Energy Even When Not In Use

By Andrew Alpin, 25 June 2017

How much effort goes in saving energy at home yet the bills show that your efforts hardly make a difference? Well, there are several additional ways where you can save energy but instead you’re doing just the opposite. The common assumption is that as long as you aren’t using a device, it won’t use energy even if it is plugged in. That’s where you’re wrong because it does!! Appliances can actually continue working even though you haven’t pressed the function button. Here are 5 appliances still using energy despite of having been turned off.

1 A charger without a phone

This is a classic occurrence especially at night. Many of us put our phones on charge before retiring. When getting up in the middle of the night for some purpose or the other, we tend to disconnect the phone from the charger but forget about the charger itself. A phone charger left in the socket will still use energy although at a low level that may not make a difference. But!! When it all adds up, it certainly will cost you.

Image Source: www.quoracdn.net

2 A digital TV tuner

TV tuners usually continue working even after they are turned off. This can lead to $22 of energy wasted in one year. Most of us will not even switch off our tuners to standby mode. Just turning the TV off isn’t enough because tuners left on will result in 5 times that cost.


3 Your Televison

Pushing the power button will keep the TV on standby mode. It will not shut off. Switch off the power switch from where it is plugged in. A TV left on standby mode can cost you $ 25 worth of energy in one year.

Image Source: www.spotlesshotelcleaning.co.uk

4 PCs and laptops

Among appliances using energy, PC’s and Laptops will continue to work even if they are turned off. Just shutting off from the start option won’t do, you need to unplug them because when you do you save $100 in a year. Never thought of that, did you? It gets worse. Leaving such devices on standby mode stand to lose 1.5 times that amount.

Image Source: www.howtogeek.com

5 Devices with a timer

Working timers on devices such as a microwave will consume energy even if it is plugged in but not used. Ever wondered where the energy to work the timer comes from? By unplugging such appliances you save $114 a year.

Image Source: www.wfcdn.com

6 Why should you unplug them?

There are many who feel that such sums of money aren’t worth taking into account. If you add up all such devices left on, it may be a considerable sum of money. Moreover, you also contribute to shortening the lifespan of your appliance. The biggest issue with plugged in appliances is the fact that a sudden power surge might just end up damaging it or even broke with an entire house full of damaged appliances.

The biggest reason to unplug your appliances using energy is to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth and contribute towards a greener planet.

Image Source: www.uq.edu.au

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