15 Everyday Foods You Can and Should Not Eat On an Empty Stomach

By Andrew Alpin, 18 June 2017

12 Honey

Honey is an immunity booster and gentle on the stomach. Add some honey to your oatmeal or toast for a sweet boost of energy. Honey increases serotonin in your body to give your brain more staying power.

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13 Cooked vegetables

While raw veggies may not be a god idea in the morning, cooked ones are definitely ok. Vegetables are stomach friendly foods, when cooked and soft. Vegetables like carrots and lettuce are good to eat on an empty stomach.

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14 Blueberries

As per research, blueberries increase metabolism and are good to eat on an empty stomach. Blueberries are also good for memory. Strawberries and raspberries can also be eaten on an empty stomach.

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15 Oatmeal

Oats is a universal dish and the best food to be eaten on an empty stomach. Oatmeal makes a good morning breakfast. Packed with good fiber and healthy nutrients, oats is also good for weight loss and reduces cholesterol. Oatmeal also prevents hydrochloric acid from damaging your stomach so you can pair oatmeal with some of the foods not suitable for an empty stomach to neutralize their effect.

Image Source: www.twimg.com

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