12 Undeniable Signs of Real Intelligence

By Andrew Alpin, 26 December 2022

5 You procrastinate a lot

Researchers think people who find it easy to find a reason not to work out have a higher cognitive demand. Many famous scientists have noticed that intelligent people tend to put off doing their work. Adam Grant, for example, says that procrastinating is the key to coming up with new ideas. Steve Jobs was wise about putting things off, giving his brain a break by switching to something else.

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6 Sometimes you fall asleep during the day

Everyone knows that Leonardo da Vinci slept in different stages. Every 4 hours, he slept for 20–30 minutes. What was he thinking? The brains of smart people work harder and get tired faster, but they also recharge faster. You must “reload” your brain to shake off tiredness and look at the problem with fresh eyes. So, if you’re someone with a high IQ, take a 20-minute power nap every now and then.

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7 You’re always nibbling on something

It’s well known that chewing gum makes your brain work harder and helps you focus, but only for 20 minutes. On the other hand, scientists just found out that intelligent people always chew on something. They say that when you chew, your mind is free to self-reflection and analysis.

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8 You know how to control yourself

Smart people are able to control their impulses and keep their feelings in check. They also think about what will happen before they do something. These are some of the characteristic signs of real intelligence.

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