10 Of the most dangerous brain-damaging habits you need to stop immediately

By Andrew Alpin, 3 March 2017

7Air Pollution

Pollution prevents a pure supply of oxygen to the brain for healthy cognitive function. It is advisable in this day and age to wear a pollution mask while travelling.

Image Source: www.medicaldaily.com

8Working Your Brain when Ill

This is a pretty dangerous thing to do because being sick is your body's way of telling you “please rest” that’s because your immune system is on overtime trying to fight out the infection, you working won’t do that any good. It damages your health and impedes your brain which has to work extra hard.

Image Source: www.rolandsheppard.com

9No communication with people

Speaking and communication helps a person to develop their mental faculties and contributes to the intellectual growth of the brain. Being a loner shouldn’t stop you from conversing with friends and family at least.

Image Source: www.myjobchart.com

10Lack of Stimulated thinking

Exercising your brain is good for you. Remaining indifferent to every situation in life and not thinking nor trying to work out solutions for you is bad for mental development. Ponder over something, think on a topic, stimulate your brain to open up new means of intellectual activity in your brain or else as they say it will rust.

Not utilizing your brain is one of the easiest ways to damage your brain because the more you use it the more it grows.

Image Source: www.oedb.org

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