Panorama shots are a virtue exclusive to the primary-back cameras on smart-phones. However, Koen Hufkens, a professor of ecology at Harvard, has designed a system that documents live feed upto 360 degrees around the device itself, and broadcasts it to the website The images are streamed live every 15 minutes in the EST time zone. The VR was developed with the motive of capturing the changing of the seasons. The outcome, once this kind of camera function becomes standard-issue is somewhat similar to that of the Periscope app. 360-degree selfie images have been used by news agencies to capture natural disasters to refugee camps.
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Because of their form factor, solar cells are infamous for only being able to capture a minor fraction of the solar energy they are exposed to. A team of MIT scientists are however looking into maximizing the potential of the solar cell. They intend to make the system capture light energy, convert it back into light energy, within the spectrum that the solar cells are capable of handling. The thermophotovoltaic cells that are being calibrated to capture more energy than its quota might take almost a decade or half to meet fruition though!
These 14 Amazing Futuristic Gadgets For Common People That Will Blow Your Mind
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The map of the basic cell anatomy has been long made a part of our elementary science syllabus. However, what may amaze the buddying biologists of tomorrow is that the atlas to the entire cellular mark-up inside the human body shall be available within the next 5 years. Cataloguing 37.2 trillion cells is no easy task and hence is demanding the collaboration of scientists from USA, UK, Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Japan among others. The scientists are tasked with assigning a molecular signature and a zip code of sorts to the cells for identification.
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