10 Common Workout Mistakes You May Be Making Without Even Knowing It

By Andrew Alpin, 4 March 2017

Just joining a gym just because everyone is doing it isn’t an answer to fitness. Although some do join a gym as a lifestyle fad, there are others who may do so for the genuine purpose of losing weight and maintaining health. However, unless you observe the correct protocols of fitness, you will never achieve results. Stop making these common workout mistakes which will set you on the right path to achieving your fitness goals.

1Training without a qualified trainer

Saving on a trainer could be detrimental to your workout routine. A good trainer will save you a lot of time and effort in prescribing the right type of workouts in relation to your body and your objectives. He will also advise you on aspects of nutrition, weight loss and muscle improving foods and muscle recovery methods. Wrong workouts not meant for you may injure your body too.

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2You don't maintain a workout diary

Not planning out a fitness schedule is also a dangerous way to start gymming. Regardless of what your fitness goals are, you need to chalk out an action plan as well as keep track of the weights you use in the gym, the various types of workouts and the amounts of reps you perform. This helps you to understand and measure your performance and progress. It will also keep you organized.

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3You use your phone while working out

Now this is a serious issue that plagues many. Why can’t you let go of your phone?? When your are warmed up you keep your body stimulated and your metabolism on a high. This condition then helps your body to burn more calories and contributes to muscle building. Speaking of the phone and getting caught up in it relaxes and cools your body down. The entire purpose of your workout is compromised. When you enter the gym, its best to switch off your phone and leave it in the locker room.

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4You do multiple things at once

Rome wasn’t built in a day. This is one of the classic common workout mistakes made by many. Similarly, trying too many things all at once will be counterproductive to your goals. Don’t start taking an extra dose of carbs and start lifting heavier weights thinking you’ll get those muscles over night. Not everything you read on the net may be right for you. Supersets, reps, supplements and the like may sound really fancy terms and great new words for conversation but take it easy and go step by step abiding by whatever your trainer tells you.

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5You start taking supplements instead of food

Supplements aren’t for you. If supplements were a shortcut to a great body, everyone would be a Mr. Universe. Food and a proper diet is extremely important as you need those vital ingredients such as protein, carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat.

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6Setting to high targets

Don’t get swayed by the many bodybuilders you see around you the moment you enter a gym. It’s easy to get carried away and start expecting too much from yourself. In such an event you will most likely give up sooner than you expected.

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7Changing workout plans too frequently

Do not get too excited about new workouts that you may see all around you. The inclination to change your workouts plans too frequently may not serve your purpose. Instead it may affect your body metabolism which won’t do a thing for you.

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8You don't have a good breakfast

How many times have you heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Indeed it is because your body has been in a fasting state for all of the period that you’ve been asleep. Your breakfast should include healthy elements such as vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and carbs for energy. If you aren’t used to a heavy breakfast, then break it into two smaller meals that you can have in the morning.

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9You don’t drink enough water

This is an extremely important factor even if you don’t work out. Our bodies need that vital H2O at least 8 times a day. Drinking beverages does not qualify as drinking water. Water keeps your body healthy, hydrated and also free of toxins too. Water also contributes to weight loss by boosting your metabolism. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

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10You don’t get proper rest

The most important common workout mistakes are not getting adequate rest. When you’re working out, you are going to hear about the factor of muscle recovery quite a lot. When you strain your muscles, they get sore and stained. Although this is a good thing contributing to more regenerative muscle tissue, your body also needs rest to contribute to muscle recovery that rests your muscles.

Image Source: www.nerdfitness.com

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