6Where the idea came from?
Hollie told that climbing the mountain was her daughter’s idea and she wanted to climb no matter what. Hollie was planning this trip with her elder sister but when her sister backed out, Montannah approaches her and told her that she wants to climb the mountain and Hollie was unable to say NO to her daughter.

Image Source: www.elitereaders.com
7Montannah’s training to climb Mountain Kilimanjaro
She started to get the training for this adventure a much before and get trained from her mother for 4 to 8 hours on every weekend. To increase her stamina she used to hike the shorter distances during school days. Her taking part in other sports was also beneficial for her.

Image Source: theculturetrip.com
8Limitation of the age to climb the mountain
When they both finally decided to climb Mountain Kilimanjaro, Hollie begin the research to know about every aspect. And the very first limitation was the age of Montannah, as for climbing the mountain, the required age limit was 10. They both figured it out and received a date in 2019. But when the news of a 8-year-old climbing the heights of Kilimanjaro in July 2017 reached to them they fastened the process and employed a guide to climb the mountain in March, two months before Montannah’s eighth birthday.

Image Source: www.mystatesman.com
9Other Obstacles in their way
They together faced the worst weather in 10 years on the mountain and still managed to finish this journey in 6 and ½ days. Hollie was not aware about the seriousness of weather and thought it was the normal weather of the mountain. But later when she contacted the Tanzania office they said that they have tolerated the worst weather. They didn’t know that the weather was that terrible and dealt with it.

Image Source: s.abcnews.com
10Precautions taken by Montannah’s mother
Irrespective of the fact that both the mother and daughter are trained triathletes, Holley Kenney made new plans with every possible cautions before starting the summit. She trained her daughter for months and before finally going to mountains she talked to doctor and ask them how Montannah can climb the mountain easily and was ready to stop the journey in between if Montannah experienced any sickness or other issues. But luckily Montannah didn’t feel any sickness and they achieved their target slowly and steadily.

Image Source: www.fourpointsnews.com