There is no limit to the human spirit, we all know that, but is there anything that is practically unachievable? The same question was asked by the people when Montannah Kenney, a 7 year old girl and her mother decided to climb the tallest African mountain Kilimanjaro and shocked the entire world with their unbreakable spirit. Yes, you heard it right.
Two woman hailing from Texas, USA have been in news very recently when they performed the miraculous feat. In the honor of her father, this little girl climbed to the highest mountain in Africa facing all the problems, heavy rains, high altitudes and snow only to make her late father proud. Montannah Kenney have now became an inspiration for everyone. She broke all the restrictions about age, trained herself with the help of her mother for 4 to 8 hours and did a thing which is impossible for a 7 year old to imagine. So let’s know a little more about this little wonder.

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Montannah Kenney- a 7 year old girl from Texas who did an unbelievable thing during her spring break
Montannah Kenney is a 7 year old brave little girl from Texas living with her mother Hollie Kenney. She lost her father when she was 3 years old little while after her birthday. She climbed the tallest mountain in Africa for being close to her father. She is a student of 2nd grade and climbed the mountain during her spring break with the help of her mother. When the other Children were spending their spring breaks in their house playing games and visiting their relatives, this girl was doing something untraditional.

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2Not only climbing, Montannah has some other talents as well
Climbing the mountains is only a part of her talent, this little girl has got some skills in swimming, running and basketball too. Her participating in these games helped her to getting prepared for the difficult trip by increasing the stamina and also made her strong and capable enough to climb a difficult height.

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3What Montannah Kenney actually did?
In March 7, 2018 Montannah Kenney created history and became an inspiration for everyone. This little girl defeated the 19,341 ft. summit only in the span of 6 and a half days facing all the difficulties with the help of her mother. She faced high altitudes, long distances and very cold weather to climb the mountain. For a 7 year old all these things were tough but without losing against the circumstances she accomplished her goals. According to the magazine that keeps an account of climbs at mountain, Montannah is the youngest girl in the history to cover such distance in this age.

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4What inspires her to climb mountain Kilimanjaro?
This journey to Mountain Kilimanjaro was much more than breaking a world record. Montannah’s inspiration to climb this huge mountain was her late father. She lost her father at a very young age and her mother, Hollie used to tell her that her father is in heaven, above the clouds. Mountains were very interesting to her because most of them are above clouds. She only wanted to go there to connect with her father.

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5Role of Montannah’s Mother
Hollie Kenney always supported her daughter in every situation. Without her mother, this achievement would be impossible for Montannah. Hollie is a professional triathlete and coach of her daughter. She trained Montannah for weeks before finally climbing the Mountain Kilimanjaro.
When Montannah came to her with the idea of summit the mountain with her, she refused first but her brave daughter was determined to do this. Instead of stopping her, Hollie encouraged her daughter only because her little daughter wants to say hello to her father above the clouds. She told that it was a very touching moment for her when they reached to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro and Montannah blew kisses and wave hands to her father, so that he would hopefully see her and know that his family is there.

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