5 Rice
Recently there was a huge scandal exposed where it was found that exporters from China are flooding the markets of other countries with extremely good quality cheap rice. Rice is something of a staple food in China and other Asian countries and even in US lots of people eat rice. But this cheap rice was later exposed to be made of plastic. Yes!! China was exporting fake plastic rice made from synthetic resin and potatoes. This rice didn’t cook properly and even caught fire when it was burned.

Image Source: www.goldrushhub.com
6 Chicken
It was in the year 2013, when the US Department of Agriculture approved the sale of chicken from China in US markets. However a strict eye is kept on the quality of these chickens coming from China where diseases like avian flu and food borne illnesses are common and little to no care is taken while killing and packing the birds. Plus the excessive use of pesticide in everything also affects food including chicken.

Image Source: www.thesleuthjournal.com
7 Green Peas
Peas made from soy, snow peas and then colored green using dye was introduced in US markets in 2005. These peas were preserved by a chemical known as sodium metabisulfite which is highly toxic for human consumption. The dye is also capable of causing cancer in humans on consumption and stop the body from absorbing calcium.
Image Source: www.cafeblog.hu