While sometimes love handles could look hot in most cases they could graduate to flab on your sides and back. What we don’t realize is that throughout a working day or sedentary life, we slouch, walk incorrectly and sit incorrectly. All these factors and more are contributing to the appearance of folds all because the muscles ion those areas aren’t getting the physical activity they need. Instead it leads to pockets of fat. Here are 7 exercises to get rid of folds on your sides and back fat. Do these exercises for 2-3 weeks and you’ll notice how your muscles will be toned up and the fat of course will disappear.
1 Forward Bends
Stand straight and place your feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward without bending your knees if possible. Try to touch the floor with your hands. Now we know that not everyone is a fitness expert here so give it your best shot and even if you can’t rest your palms on the floor at least try to touch the floor with your finger tips.

Image Source: www.ace.gr
2 Side Bends
Again while standing straight with feet at shoulder width apart, take two light weighted dumbbells in each hand. Now bend your body at the waist sideways lowering each hand alternately. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Image Source: .www.popsugar-assets.com
In plank position shift the center of gravity to your arms. Now while bending your arms at the elbows lower your body and return to initial position. Do 2-3 sets of 20-3o pushups.

Image Source: www.kxcdn.com