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6 Internet Mysteries That Still Trigger Our Minds

By Milos Kitanovic, 15 June 2017


2 The curious case of subreddit A858

Ever since it first appeared in 2011 the Internet users (most of which are Reddit users) have been puzzled by a case of mysterious subreddit called shortly A858.

This subreddit consist only of random numbers and letters combined to create the most mysterious text on the Internet to this date. Although this text may seem like nonsense to many, it has triggered all sorts of theories regarding its meaning.

Subsequently, the large number of new subreddits were created in an attempt to only scratch the surface of the mystery that is A858. But the theory most widely accepted is one which claims that this large sequence of numbers and letters was created entirely accidental.

The curious case of subreddit A858

Image Source: www.bashny.net

3 The mystery of Cicada 3301

January 5th, 2012, was where all the fuss began. Because it was on this date that a 4chan user sent the most cryptic message ever to circulate the Internet. And just when the people started to get obsessed with it, a month later came the surprise. A 4chan user reached the public again a said that all the candidates have been recruited.

As the people continued to try to solve this mystery, a new message would be posted on January the 5th each year.

The mystery remains unsolved to this date, but the general theory is that it is just the recruitment process of some spy agency.

The mystery of Cicada 3301

Image Source: www.mpinteractiv.ro

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