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5 Incredible Ways To Instantly Boost Your Memory

By Milos Kitanovic, 7 May 2017


2 Grab every opportunity to move


To understand this concept think of situations when you are working hard for hours, and after a while, you feel stuck. The productivity level falls dramatically. But after taking a break and going for a short walk your mood suddenly improves and you feel that you can move mountains again.

Remembering how that feels will help you realize how important physical exercise is, not just for the body, but for the mind as well.

So every time you have doubts about whether you should get off your chair remember the benefits of these walks and your brain will thank you.

People walking

Image Source: www.pcal.nsw.gov.au

3 Visualization and association


We all know that one picture is worth a thousand words. So turning a bunch of words into pictures can help your memory immensely.

Yet another method of memorizing things is to make up the story that connects all the things you need to remember. However bizarre it seems to be, it won't be long before you will see the fun side of it. There are no rules and you can get as creative as you want.

Visualization and association

Image Source: www.successconsciousness.com

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