5 Devices with a timer
Working timers on devices such as a microwave will consume energy even if it is plugged in but not used. Ever wondered where the energy to work the timer comes from? By unplugging such appliances you save $114 a year.
Image Source: www.wfcdn.com
6 Why should you unplug them?
There are many who feel that such sums of money aren’t worth taking into account. If you add up all such devices left on, it may be a considerable sum of money. Moreover, you also contribute to shortening the lifespan of your appliance. The biggest issue with plugged in appliances is the fact that a sudden power surge might just end up damaging it or even broke with an entire house full of damaged appliances.
The biggest reason to unplug your appliances using energy is to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth and contribute towards a greener planet.
Image Source: www.uq.edu.au