3 Freebies on job makes up for less pay
We do get lots of freebies on the job. Many companies who make cosmetics and other stuff keep giving things to our salon to give away as free samples. We also get things for discount directly from companies and we sometimes get to keep some things for free, mostly samples, but free.

Image Source: www.elmotien.com
4 We love some freedom to show off our skills
We love when a customer comes in, sits in our chair and tells us to give them a new look. Though we like some ideas from the customers, but we are skilled and we know how to make people look good.
And it also feels good that people trust and respect us when they give us freedom to showcase what we can do with a pair of scissors.

Image Source: www.oprah.com
5 We are the first to check out a new hairdo
As employees of a business which changes quite often, we have to keep a track of the changes that comes in hairstyles. And for the benefit of our customers, we are the first people to try out new hairdos and see whether they suit on certain faces or not.
Also we are very good at giving advices on hairdos, so ask us any question regarding hair and we will give you the correct answer.

Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk