Beauty they say lies in the beholder, beauty lies in the soul and so on and so forth. Such are the quotes on beauty but reality is different and if this was true, then we would not be having beauty pageants. However, that’s being too philosophical because after all who doesn’t enjoy watching the miss universe occasionally. Keeping that in mind, check out 12 countries reported to have the most beautiful women in the world.
12 Angola
NO list is complete without mentioning the women of Angola which is a country that churns out models where black or colored women are no less beautiful than others. Africa’s hottest women are from Angola.

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11 Britain
British women are a mix of various races and cultures which us why you get women with different skin tone and looks. And to top it all, they are well mannered, highly educated and beautiful too.

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10 Philippines
Philippines comes second among the countries with the most wins in the big four international beauty pageants. Filipinas, besides being beautiful are well known for their homely, kind and caring attitude.

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9 Netherlands (Dutch Women)
Dutch girls are known for their average height of 5’ 7’’ and blonde hair. They truly deserve to be in the top 10 because of their gorgeous looks. Moreover, Dutch women are athletic too. The Dutch hockey team was regarded as the most beautiful hockey team in the Olympics of 212.just look at Ellen Hoog, one of the hottest hockey players the Olympics has ever seen.

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