Home / NEWS / 10 Most Unsettling Pictures Of Patients With Botched Plastic Surgeries

10 Most Unsettling Pictures Of Patients With Botched Plastic Surgeries

By Jatin Sharma, 14 April 2017


9 Botched butt implants


Renee’s butt implants can do a nice magic trick, she can flip them over. She had been altering her butt for years looking for more volume. She decided to get silicone injection at first, but then got implants put in as she wanted it to become bigger. The implants were not done properly and doctors at Botched said that it could cause her autoimmune diseases and then Renee decided to remove the implants.

Botched butt implants

Image Source: www.xhcdn.com

10 The living cartoon


Swedish model Pixee looks like cartoon and though most people will be offended at that, she takes it as a compliment. She has had many surgeries to make her waist as tiny as possible, butt as bigger as it can get and biggest boobs possible. She asked the doctors on Botched to give her surgeries to make her look like Jessica Rabbit, but the doctors refused. This however didn’t deter Pixee from her goals to look like a 2D cartoon.

The living cartoon

Image Source: www.twimg.com

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