Home / Health / 10 Scary Reasons Why You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

10 Scary Reasons Why You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

By Andrew Alpin, 16 June 2022


8 There are a lot of water bottles in landfills


The process of making water bottles is just the beginning of how they hurt the environment. The Water Project says that over 2 million tons of PET plastic water bottles are being thrown away in the United States alone. The commonly used thin, transparent plastic bottles are made of a type of plastic called PET.

PET bottles can be recycled, which is good, but only one out of every five bottles makes it to the recycling bin. The rest just take up space and pollute the precious planet. A plastic bottle doesn’t break down for 450 years, which is a very long time.

There are a lot of water bottles in landfills

Img Src: indiatvnews.com

9 Tap water is very safe to drink


Before it comes out of your taps, city water goes through a lot of tests. The Safe Drinking Water Act gives the EPA the job of ensuring your tap water is clean and safe to drink. In some cities, the water must be tested as many as 100 times a month.

Tap water is very safe to drink

Img Src: gannett.com

10 Bottled water comes from taps anyways


Commercials for bottled water make us think that the water comes from heavenly springs that are full of all kinds of good things. In reality, though, it looks a lot more like a factory. Up to 25% of the bottled water on the market is just filled with tap water and then sealed.

Words like “purified” or “drinking water” make people think that the water in a bottle came from an oasis, but it’s really just water from the tap. This is done by a lot of the most popular and cheapest brands.

Bottled water comes from taps anyways

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