3Excess Sugar intake
Sugar is one of the most dangerous ingredients known to man. Excess sugar by way of processed foods and fruit juices, carbonated beverages, sweets and cakes can impact the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients. This can result in malnourishment, obesity, poor brain function and poor health. Avoiding as much sugar as possible is the best thing you can do to your body.
Image Source: www.ytimg.com
Overeating as you all know leads to obesity, lethargy, lack of energy and poor bran nourishment. This results in poor mental function as well as poor focus and concentration.
Image Source: www.capitalfm.co.ke
It’s never too late to give up one of the most dangerous of lifestyle habits known to man. Because of the damage to lungs, oxygen transport throughout the body including the brain is hindered and laced with toxins. Smoking can ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s, dementia and shrinking of brain tissues.
Image Source: www.typepad.com
6Covering your Head While Sleeping
This of course seems a bit weird as many of us have the habit of covering our heads while sleeping. But!! This is a very bad habit and one of the common ways to damage your brain. This prevents the body from inhaling pure oxygen while sleeping. Instead of oxygen you inhale more carbon dioxide because that too is being trapped within the sheet.
Image Source: www.zahratalmaghrib.com