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10 Heartbreaking pictures will make you think more about recycling everything!!

By Jatin Sharma, 3 March 2017


3Penguins covered in oil


Oil spills in the oceans have been one of the biggest reasons of pollution and loss of precious flora and fauna in even the most distant places on the planet. In the greed to extract more and more oil from the Earth, humans have dug holes in the sea and any accident means millions of tons of oil spilling into the sea, covering it and killing everything in the sea and everything dependent on the seas and oceans like these unfortunate penguins.

Penguins covered in oil

Image Source: www.ecowatch.com

4Kid drinking from a sewer line


Apart from global warming, the threat of water shortage due to excessive use of water, wastage of water and irregular rains have caused scenes like you see in the picture. It shows a child drinking from a stream which is full of trash in the Yunan Province in China. We need to stop wasting water and conserve it or else it would cost you premium in future to even drink a glass of water.

Kid drinking from a sewer line

Image Source: www.wisance.com

5Plastic wire slowly killing this seal


Another sad example of us dumping plastic waste into the sea to get rid of it and not thinking a bit about the animals dependent on the sea and living in it. This seal has a plastic wire tightening around its neck, slowly cutting his throat and killing it, centimeter by centimeter.

Plastic wire slowly killing this seal

Image Source: www.wisance.com

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