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These 10 Discoveries That Reshaped The Millenium Are Groundbreaking

By Arkadeep Deb, 15 April 2017


9 Darwin’s Natural Selection Theory


All living beings have phenotypic traits, i.e. measurable traits like hair color, or eye color. The underlying gene which comprise the genotype, decide the color, but they have no measurable quality hence are not phenotypes. The heritability of a population is the variation in any given phenotypic trait of that population. That is the chances of survivability of a population from the aspect of this trait depends upon the amount of variation in that measurable trait of the population. This helps us derive from statistics whether a dominant gene will subdue a weak gene to work in favor of the species or not. Darwin theorized all of this to lay waste to the work of myth that the ecosystem is whatever that had been able to stow itself away on Noah’s Ark.

Darwin’s Natural Selection Theory

Image Source: www.brainpop.com

10 Quantum Theory


Quantum Theory chose to disrobe the image of the laws of nature as we know it. The ball started rolling with Max Planck proposing at the beginning of the 1990s that the radiation from a glowing body subjected to increasing temperature, changes in consistency from the red spectrum to the blue and that this phenomenon can be described by assuming that the energy can be broken down into individual units called quanta. This Nobel prize-winning thesis got the stalwarts thinking that the fundamentals of Physics as we know it should change overnight if seen through the quantum aspect. Einstein, de Broglie and Heisenberg all developed upon this Quantum Theory and spawned offshoot subjects like quantum mechanics and chemistry which is what our present day noble minds like Hawkings is studying and expanding on paper.

Quantum Theory

Image Source: www.k12tlc.net

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