2 Theory of combustion
‘Combustion’ is perhaps the first menacing sounding jargon that the average elementary science student gets to throw around, after ‘photosynthesis’. The discovery of the phenomenon known as combustion, in the 1770s paved the way for modern chemistry. Antoine Lavoisier theorized the role oxygen plays when a substance burns and thereby debunked the previous principles that misinterpreted the role of air as a medium to a substance that burns. This also eventually produced this thing called the internal combustion engine, without which there would be no cars.

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3 Information Theory
Information Theory was established by Claude Shannon in the late 1940s and was a game changer in terms of information technology. There was no precursor to Information Theory, which means it is the first of its kind to lay down the ground rules that helped us study the coding of information, the mathematical side to it, how information is exchanged with the help of symbols and impulses, etc. This not only made telecommunication easy but also helped us make leaps and bounds in terms of progressing computer circuitry as it provided a better understanding of how fast information can travel.

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4 Tectonic plate movement theory
The aforementioned is the study of the postulate that the Earth comprised of a singular Pangaea, a super-continent which consisted of all the present continents in unison. Then the continental drift occurred and the world geography as we know it today, was formed. The concept of the continental drift was ideated by Alfred Wegener as early as 1912. However, the idea of the tectonic plates and the roles they played was comprehensively defined by Canadian Geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson, and his contemporaries. Without the tectonic plate movement theory, we would be out on a limb about where our landscapes originated from.

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