4You do multiple things at once
Rome wasn’t built in a day. This is one of the classic common workout mistakes made by many. Similarly, trying too many things all at once will be counterproductive to your goals. Don’t start taking an extra dose of carbs and start lifting heavier weights thinking you’ll get those muscles over night. Not everything you read on the net may be right for you. Supersets, reps, supplements and the like may sound really fancy terms and great new words for conversation but take it easy and go step by step abiding by whatever your trainer tells you.
Image Source: www.raiseyourfitness.com
5You start taking supplements instead of food
Supplements aren’t for you. If supplements were a shortcut to a great body, everyone would be a Mr. Universe. Food and a proper diet is extremely important as you need those vital ingredients such as protein, carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat.
Image Source: www.nationalgeographic.com
6Setting to high targets
Don’t get swayed by the many bodybuilders you see around you the moment you enter a gym. It’s easy to get carried away and start expecting too much from yourself. In such an event you will most likely give up sooner than you expected.
Image Source: www.womenapproachyou.com