4 Changes in the appearance of skin moles
If there are changes in the sizes of moles then it would rarely cause pain or any other serious health issue. However, doctors recommend cancer screening when you notice a new mole or changes in the size and shape of the existing mole. Also, if you see the clear boundary of any mole becoming blurry day by day, then please consult a doctor.These changes may be a sign of skin cancer, which if detected early, is easy to cure.

Image Source: www.razemztoba.pl
3 Changes in nails
Unusual changes in the sizes and shapes of fingernails can indicate the occurrence of several cancerous conditions like lung cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer and kidney cancer. Although, these changes can also be because of some other issue, but do not take any significant change in your nails lightly as these changes can be a warning sign. If your nail color becomes white, then it may be the first sign of liver cancer. Black or brown spots under your nails may indicate skin cancer.

Image Source: www.wordpress.com
2 Abnormal bleeding
Bleeding from various parts of the body can result from various health issues, however, it also indicates the sign of several cancerous conditions. For instance, blood in the urine can be caused by kidney or bladder cancer. Vomiting blood may be a symptom of stomach, lung, or esophageal cancer. Bloody discharge from the nipples may be a sign of breast cancer. Abnormal bleeding from any part of the body needs to be checked by the doctor as soon as possible.

Image Source: www.earlydoc.com
1 Jaundice
Jaundice is a serious health issue and usually associated with the gallbladder or liver problem. However, it can also be the first sign of pancreatic cancer.
All these signs do not mean you have cancer, but its better to be just sure. If you find reasons for these conditions, good enough, but if any known condition is not found, and the symptoms stay for a longer period of time and worsen with time, then the first thing to be done is to get yourself thoroughly screened by a doctor. Cancer, if detected early, is curable.

Image Source: www.patient.media